Shepherd’s Fold Preschool and Daycare
Ministry started in 1999 after the educational building was built. A nationally accredited preschool and daycare that provides a loving, secure Christian atmosphere that includes developmental and Bible-based activities.
Homes of Hope
Every year a team is sent to Tijuana, Mexico to build a house for a needy family. It is a quick two day process to build a house.
Sahuarita High School Football Team Feed
Every football season, we are given an opportunity to minister to the local high school football team. Players are provided a meal and given an opportunity to fellowship with the church.
Sharing Grief
For anyone who has suffered the loss of a loved one. Tuesdays at 10:00 AM. You may contact Sharon Coustier or the church office with any questions.
Shepherding Ministry
Our Mission Verse: “Shepherding the flock of GOD which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion, but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly.” 1 Peter 5:2 NKJV
We have a mission to connect with our church saints who are house bound, unable to come to Church, whether in a permanent situation or temporary. We want to reduce their isolation and let them know we care. We send cards, make calls and ask if they would like a visit. We remember them on their birthdays and holidays, keep them up to date about Church happenings, but primarily we need to be good listeners. We also remember our Church family who are ill, have had surgery or may be in a rehab or at a facility. We remember our Military members that serve at home or abroad, who have parents, grandparents or great grandparents attending our Church.
If you are interested in joining us in the Shepherding Ministry, or want more information, we would love to have you. Please contact the church office at 520-625-3600. We meet on the 4th Tues. of each month in the Sunday school room C1 at 2:00pm.